Category: Michael Murphy



Bamboo Framed Wave

This beauty will bring positive vibrations to it’s new home.

bamboo framed cloudbreak

International Painters Gallery says Aloha to Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy aka MURPH

  Many cool things were happening in the 60’s and the beaches of Southern California were no exception. Surf culture was being formed and fueled by the photos that were coming from Hawaii in the form of a new magazine called SURFER. The cartoonist for this beloved mag, Rick Griffin, doodled, drew and painted some overly incredible and super gnarly wave depictions.

  Griffin had a young surfer / artist protege named Michael Murphy who grew up to draw and airbrush some incredible surf themed art himself. Inspirational and soothing, these creations of Murphy’s will breathe some fresh ocean air into every beach loving soul.

  Find out how you can own one today.

murph bio